Sex Offender/Child Kidnapper Registry

Alaska Supreme Court Ruling (March 15, 2013)

The Alaska Supreme Court ruled that quarterly registration applies ONLY to persons who committed their crime(s) after January 1, 1999.

For offenses that occurred before January 1, 1999:

  • A person with a single conviction for a sex offense is required to register annually for 15 years after the date of unconditional discharge.
  • A person convicted of two or more convictions is required to register annually for life.
  • For 15 year registrants, proof of unconditional discharge must be submitted to the department for determination of a final registration date. It is the responsibility of the registrant to complete the unconditional discharge paperwork.
  • Offenders must continue registering until the department has provided notification of a final registration date and are subject to criminal charges for Failure to Register if they fail to do so.
  • A person with an offense after January 1, 1999, is subject to the verification schedule currently specified in AS 12.63.
AS 18.65.087 authorizes the Department of Public Safety to maintain a public central registry of persons required to register as sex offenders and child kidnappers under AS 12.63.010 This registry includes offenders who have been convicted of sex offenses specified under AS 12.63.100 who have registered and those who are required to register but may not be in compliance.

Offenders who have been convicted after August 10, 1994 of crimes that are defined as a “sex offense” in AS 12.63 are required to register with the Alaska Sex Offender Registry.

Online registry contains 3502 entries.
Sex Offender Registration – Alaska Statute 12.63.010 and 12.63.100.

A sex offender or child kidnapper who is lives in Alaska must register:

  • By the next working day following conviction for a sex offense or child kidnapping, if not incarcerated at the time of the conviction.
  • Before release from an in state correctional facility, if incarcerated for a sex offense or child kidnapping.

AS 12.63.100 defines the offenses that require registration. Registration is the personal responsibility of the convicted person.

A sex offender or child kidnapper who moves to Alaska from another jurisdiction must register:

  • By the next working day of becoming physically present in the state
  • In accordance with the requirements of Alaska Statute 12.63. Registration requirements are specific to each state or jurisdiction, and a person who moves to Alaska must comply with the Alaska requirements.

Alaska Supreme Court Ruling (July 25, 2008)

The Alaska Supreme Court ruled that requirements to register under the Alaska Sex Offender Registration Act apply to persons who committed their crimes after August 10, 1994. Persons convicted of child kidnapping and sex offenses that were committed in Alaska, or equivalent offenses in other states, after August 10, 1994 are subject to registration in Alaska. Because sex offender laws in other states are different from Alaska’s, some sex offenders who are not required to register in Alaska may be required to register or may have restrictions on where they can live, work or go to school in another state.

Duration of Registration – see AS 12.63.020 and AS 12.63.100 for specific requirements

The type and the number of the criminal convictions that the sex offender has in his or her history determine the duration for which the offender must continue to register.

A sex offender or child kidnapper convicted of an aggravated offense, or two or more non-aggravated offenses, is required to register for life and must verify reported information every quarter.

A sex offender or child kidnapper convicted of a single non-aggravated offense is required to register for 15 years after the date of unconditional discharge for the offense and must verify reported information annually.

The Sex Offender Registration office reviews the conviction information of each offender and determines the duration that is appropriate to the offender’s history. The offender will be notified in writing of their individual reporting requirements and the schedule for reporting verifications.

Registration forms:

The Sex Offender Registry office provides forms to communicate all registration actions. Forms are available online, but may not be submitted online with the following exceptions. All registration related forms except the Temporary Presence Form and the Notification of International Travel of Sex Offender form must be signed and the form with the original signature delivered to the Sex Offender Registration office or to a local law enforcement registration agency. Faxes or scans of signed copies are not acceptable.

Initial registration must be completed in person at a registration agency.

After initial registration, verification forms may be mailed or delivered to the registry office or to a local law enforcement registration agency. Verification forms must be delivered or postmarked in the month designated by the registration office.

Reporting Changes to Registry Information:

Address changes including residence, mailing, electronic mail, instant messaging or other Internet communication identifiers such as names used in chat rooms and on social networking websites must be reported by the next working day after being set up or changed. Changes must be reported to the Registration Office or a registration agency.

Penalties for Failing to Register or Report Changes - Alaska Statutes 11.56.840, 11.56.835, 43.23.021

Failure to register as a sex offender or report changes to an email address, instant messaging address, or any other Internet communication identifier or address used by a sex offender/child kidnapper may be prosecuted as a Class A misdemeanor under AS 11.56.840, or as a Class C felony under AS 11.56.835.

Payment of the Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD) may be delayed for a sex offender or child kidnapper who is not compliant with registration requirements.

Temporary Presence in Alaska – Visitors and Non Residents

Registered sex offenders from other jurisdictions who temporarily travel to Alaska are required to notify the Alaska Sex Offender Registry office of their presence in the state.

  • The offender must be registered and in compliance with the requirements where they live.
  • The plans to travel in Alaska must be for less than 30 days.
  • The traveler must submit a Temporary Presence Form.
  • The offender is also responsible to comply with any requirements where he or she is registered to report a temporary absence.

The Temporary Presence Form is in the "Print Registration Forms" section. The completed form may be mailed, faxed, or emailed before arriving or within three days after arriving in Alaska.

A sex offender or child kidnapper who is moving to Alaska or plans to be in Alaska for more than 30 days for any reason is not eligible to use the temporary presence notification. Offenders who move to Alaska or who expect to be in the state for more than 30 days must complete a full registration by the next working day of becoming physically present in the state.

The temporary visitor offender must notify the Alaska Sex Offender/Child Kidnapper Central Registry office of changes in itinerary or departure date.

Offenders who did not plan to be in Alaska for more than 30 days but end up being in Alaska for more than 30 days must complete a full registration by the next working day after the 30 days is reached.

Notification of International Travel of Sex Offender

The Notification of International Travel form is used to report travel outside of the United States. This form is not a state requirement however, failure to report international travel is a violation of federal sex offender registration requirements. The completed form may be emailed to the U.S. Department of Justice. Provide a copy of the completed form to the Sex Offender Registration office.

The Notification of International Travel of Sex Offender form does not eliminate the need to submit a Change Form to report address changes.

Searching the database, Geographical mapping

The Alaska registry provides a single public website that sorts and provides registrant information by name, address, zip code, city name, registration status, or a total list. There is no charge to use the official website.

You may also search the registry using the Search By Map link. The locations of offender addresses on this web mapping site are approximate based on automated mapping of the address in the registry. A number of addresses are only mapped to a general location for a community. Addresses in the registry are being updated to provide better mapping results.

Numerous non-governmental, private websites take information from Alaska’s registry and link it to maps that can be searched in various ways. These commercial mapping websites can be located through popular Internet search engines by using search terms such as “Alaska sex offender/child kidnapper registry mapping services.” Some of the private map services may charge a fee to use their service.

The official Alaska sex offender/child kidnapper registry is updated on normal business workdays, but private websites may not update their linking information as frequently. There may be a significant difference between private sites and the sex offender registry information. Members of the public who use private mapping websites are encouraged to confirm offender information on this official site.

The Department of Public Safety does not endorse any particular mapping site or search engine; is not responsible for errors, outdated information, or other problems associated with those sites or search engines; and is not responsible for any errors or omissions caused by secondary dissemination of information obtained from this official sex offender/child kidnapper registry.

Using information from this site to commit a crime may result in criminal prosecution.

Note that positive identification of a sex offender/child kidnapper requires fingerprint-based identification. Fingerprint-based state criminal history records are available by submitting the subject's fingerprints, a consent form, and a fee. See Background Check Requests for details.

For additional information regarding sex offenders nationally, see the Dru Sjodin National Sex Offender Public Website ( For information about confirming criminal history records, contact the Department of Public Safety Criminal Records and Identification Bureau at (907) 269-5767.

Although the Department updates this information regularly, the site may not reflect the current residence, status, or other information regarding an offender. If you believe there are errors in this information, please contact:

Division of Statewide Services
5700 E. Tudor Road
Anchorage, AK 99507
(907) 269-0396
1-800-658-8892 (outside Anchorage in Alaska)
Click here to return to the SOCKR home page
For sex offender/child kidnapper questions or more information, send mail to the SOCKR Office